Aajonus Quotes
A list of quotes from Aajonus' material (books, Q&As, newsletters, etc.) collected by users.
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« I will have all the information in books. They won't need me when I have all the information; that's what I'm working on. Everybody will be able to take care of themselves if I give everybody enough information. »
« CANCER is basically the body’s inability to discard dead cells. The body gathers those cells in a particular area, called a tumor, until it can later dissolve those cells. »
« Everything you hear from the medical profession is 99% just the opposite. »
« Those microbes have a janitorial role in nature and we benefit from them »
« “Hi, Dick.” Oh, that nickname. All the reasons I changed to a Greece-Romansounding first name that I liked, flood my head. No matter how “Dick” was said to me, the innuendo was prevalent. »
« I suggest most people do not eat much fruit because I found it nothing but bad all the way down the line especially for women and moods, men and moods too. »
« I just want to make sure that you understand salt is dangerous. Salt is an explosive. It is more volatile than nitroglycerin. If you had a pure cake of sodium as big as a football it would take out all of New York City. Just like a 200 ton hydrogen bomb could take out New York City and all of its buildings. One crystal this big would take out all of New York City. So the war department, the industrial military complex, as President Eisenhower called it disparagingly... he said that we will never have peace as long as they run the government, as long as they run the military because they want to make a profit on war. Anyway the government, the military gave General Electric 2 billion dollars to make a weapon, out of salt. My father worked on the project for 6 years. It was so untenable they could not make it into a bomb, thank God. Because one and a half degree temperature change a completely isolated sodium could set it off. So they could never temper it, never break it down and ulitize it. [As an aside to the audience present: I saw someone wearing a baseball cap ? Cubs hat?? Cincinnati used to have it; they changed it when I was a kid.] Salt is a very bad thing. The reason that I say don't add salt to cheeses is because when it goes into the body, it starts breaking up the cheese and then causing your body to digest it. The problem: what happens to you in the blood is that if you have salt in there of course your body will take the sodium chloride, or the sodium potassium or however you're getting the sodium, and separate it. It will isolated it because it’s in rock form. We don't eat we rock, plants eat rock. So what happens is they starts exploding in the blood. You have all of these nutrients - a smorgasbord of nutrients anywhere from 93 to 117 nutrients - that feed a cell every time it opens to eat. If you have salt in the blood, it breaks those up and fractionates it. So a cell may be getting 23 nutrients instead of 93 to 117; it may get 50. You are never getting a balanced diet if you're eating salt - any kind of salt - because it will be separated and it will cause explosions and fractionations throughout your body. You saw it exploded, that one guy’s skin as it came out. He was as heavy chip eater, and that's how his body handles it. Throwing it out his entire abdominal area. So it must have been stored in the abdominal area somewhere to do that. So salt is not a good thing, it is a horrible thing; it's the next worse thing to cooking. »
« I'll go through and pull out different vegetables, but the main ones are celery and parsley. Always. No exceptions. Because the blood is very high like the ocean in sodium, celery meets that almost perfectly without causing the clumping of the sodium molecules that salt does. »
« I have been very limited in financial resources to fund my experiments and research over the years. But I did them. Although my results with reversing disease have been extraordinary, I know that my work has the potential to achieve even more remarkable results by incorporating fresh raw herbs. I will continue my work in this direction. »
« The process of using neurons is there reflecting light and electricity, so it takes a lot of metallic minerals to do that. When you cook your food, you make free radicals of those metallic minerals. The lead, the mercury, everything. So most of that toxicity went to the brain and the nervous system, when the brain detoxifies ninety percent of it comes out of the gums, the tongue and the salivary gland and that’s what causes decay »
« When I started doing autopsies with animals and stuff and I would see the tissue changes and dissolve it, I would look at the pictures of their eyes. »
« I have found that stressful emotionality produced by overconsumption of fruit is a detoxification of excessive sugars, sugars that irritate the nervous system and destabilize minerals and proteins, causing the emotional body to feel insecure and panicked. I have not found that one has to get emotionally stressed to detoxify stored emotional poisons. On the contrary, I have found that stressful emotionality produced by excessive sugar simply adds to exhaustion of wonderful nutrients, as well as being hell on relationships. »
« I recommend that people drink their vegetables with the pulp completely removed. That way the juice is usually absorbed near the duodenum without alkalinizing the intestines. »
« There’s no such thing as an immune system in the way that the medical profession puts it out there because they don’t want you to put a finger on what is really cleaning and protecting the body. »
« trust your body, trust your body, you know, your body’s trying to tell you to keep the toxins away from your heart »
« You have sixteen to seventeen minutes of commercials for every twelve minutes of programming and half of it is drug related so they're teaching these people that you don't trust the human body that everything is wrong because it’s of your body and trust chemicals. »
« I found a new toothpaste formula that I’ve been experimenting with for the last year. It’s one tablespoon of coconut cream, two teaspoons of the terramin clay and three quarters to one teaspoon of vinegar and you just mix it in a little one ounce jar and that will keep for about ten days. Keep it in the refrigerator because once the vinegar is mixed, it has a tendency to drop its potency. It not only cleans the plaque instantly, it whitens the teeth. How it works, I don’t have a freakin clue but it works. People with grey and yellow teeth, even mine, remember mine were going black down here. I’ve only done it maybe twenty times in the last year because I’m never home and I’m travelling so much, and still it has changed my teeth so it’s a great formula »
« A: I was peeing like a horse when I came out. My whole life my mother used to slap me..’come on, what’s taking you so long to pee’, because it would take me 3 minutes before the pee would flow and then it would be really slow. My mother would get so frustrated when I was a little boy because she had to wait for me to pee and she had 3 other boys waiting. So she always used to get angry and slap me sometimes, like I had a choice. So here I was 56 years old, peeing like a horse. It was great. »
« I tried every kind except for herbal juices which are rare and hard to get, fresh. So I've used all of the typical vegetables, spinach, celery, lettuces, all of those, the only ones that I use consistently, because consistently they are the most healing, are celery, and parsley. »
« Remember when I destroyed 90% of my liver by eating the poison mushroom? I forced myself to eat a pound and a half to two pounds of butter a day to force the liver to work. »
« If you want to do it even faster eat somebody’s fecal matter that is very, very healthy, and preferably a carnivore – like a dogs or something. A dog looks for a human to regenerate theirs. In fact, a dog will eat any fecal matter from any animal as long as it is healthy to keep their bacteria levels up. G: How do know when it is healthy? G: Smell it. A: Well, I sell mine. G: You are one of a kind. A: I have given mine to several people and I have gone on a particular diet for them for me for the day before I go, for that. And let me tell you: one time that they ate the fecal matter it corrected the entire problem. G: Oh my god. A: Just one time. »
« My work is this... I am like Cary Grant; this [finger exercise] is his exercise (does anybody remember that) he said 'besides sex' and I am with that. Finger exercise and sex. Those are the only exercises that interest me. »
« I suggest that instead of spending your money on "health" practitioners or doctors, take a trip to France and find the raw no-salt dairy products you will need. Once you make the connection, they can send products to you. »
« I just drink it, I don't give a shit what it tastes like. I've been so ill and so sick and so painful in my life I can eat almost anything, if I know it's good for me so.... »
« Have to see how it makes you feel. If it doesn’t make you wired or irritable, it’s fine. »

All ingredients mentioned are implicitly qualified as being raw, never frozen, nor radiated, without added salt or additives, and as natural and "organic" (or even "bio-dynamic") as possible, unless stated otherwise.
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This software contains, but not exclusively, attempts to represent the views of Aajonus Vonderplanitz on certain subjects.